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Annual Report to Parents and Carers
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2023 V2
In 2022, life started to return to normal after the disruption of the COVID pandemic. Overall, our schools made strong progress.
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2023
In 2022, life started to return to normal after the disruption of the COVID pandemic. Overall, our schools made strong progress.
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2022
This year we have returned to the classroom and embraced the teaching, learning and educational experience that all of our children at the Elliot Foundation deserve. It has been a very busy year, filled with extra-curricular arts and sports projects that have united the Trust together. We have continued to focus on our charitable objectives through our Community Box programme and our Virtual School is now an established point of learning across our schools.
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2021
This has been a very different year for the schools in the Elliot Foundation. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of our other charitable objectives, which include the relief of poverty, hunger and unemployment. The pandemic has thoroughly disrupted the education system and as a result our schools have prioritized the safety and wellbeing of their children and communities.
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2020
Overall, this was another good year for the schools in the Elliot Foundation. The Trust was inspected as a whole by Ofsted and the report was a resounding endorsement of our vision and ambition for all children. You can read the whole report here.
Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2019
We are a charity predominantly funded by public money so it is important that we provide information by which you can hold us to account. This report gives you data on the quality of education in our schools; our education performance measures; the broader educational experience of your children; our inclusive approach and our finances.