
Billesley Primary School

Billesley Primary School, which has 650 places, a 39 place Nursery and a 12 place Autism unit, is a welcoming school with high standards of achievement through exciting and creative teaching and learning. The school is located to the south of Birmingham, 3 miles from the City Centre and serves a diverse local community. The school works in close partnership with local organisations, creative practitioners and local residents to ensure that our children get the highest quality education so that they will continue to enjoy learning throughout their lives. We are committed to making each child’s experience at school unique and making sure that everything we do best meets the needs of our children and our community.

Our objective is to achieve excellence in all aspects of school life, from a wide range of inspiring learning opportunities to our excellent catering service and from the warm welcome you receive on entering the school to the highest possible standards of academic excellence. Our strategy is to develop people - through the knowledge and commitment of our staff, through challenge and support to our children and through working in partnership with our community to see education as the essential route to success in life. Our mission statement is to: ‘Inspire our children to succeed, Create excitement for learning, Achieve excellence’.

Billesley Primary School is committed to achieving excellence in all aspects of school life. Our vision is to inspire our children to succeed, create excitement for learning and so achieve excellence.We have a strong belief in the importance of determination, perseverance, team work and trust, and we are committed to challenging inequality in any form through an inclusive ethos. Our aim is to make learning enjoyable, allowing every individual to achieve their best and to nurture their talents, as well as giving them safety, security and the skills they will need to be active, responsible citizens and happy, caring adults in the future.


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Chandos Primary School

Chandos is a thriving Primary School situated in the heart of Birmingham City Centre. Including our nursery, we have 460 pupils. We are a welcoming, happy, safe school community representing many cultures and faiths from across the globe. At all times we strive to be Compassionate, Honest, Aspirational, Nurturing, Determined, Optimistic and Self-aware.

Our core purpose is to enable children to reach their full potential and have the necessary skills to live harmoniously as constructive global citizens in our rapidly changing world. We do this by:

  • Ensuring our children feel safe, secure and successful, where caring and tolerant relationships are at the heart of what we do.
  • Developing a love of learning in every child,
  • Providing a high-quality, broad relevant curriculum where every child can achieve their very best.
  • Celebrating and supporting the individuality of each and every child.
  • Working in partnership with families and the wider community.

We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with our families and the wider community; working with a wide range of services and community organisations, while also encouraging parents to be part of the daily life of our school. We are an open minded school, always keen to build active partnerships with other schools.


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Croft Academy

The Federation of Croft, Woods Bank and Kings Rise Schools

Croft Academy is a 210 place primary school with a nursery. We are located in central Walsall at the very heart of our diverse community. We work in close partnership with other organisations, our federated schools – King Rise and Woods Bank and across the Elliot Foundation. Croft Academy is committed to  improving outcomes for the children and families across the federation.

We offer children an exciting and creative curriculum, where learning is enjoyable and meets the needs of our children. As well as developing their key skills and feelings of safety and security, we want to develop and nurture children’s talents. As part of this we give children experiences outside of school through a growing programme of visits and experiences. As a small school, our staff know our children and families personally. We passionately care about the children in our school and are committed to giving them the best education we can.


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George Betts Primary Academy

The Federation of George Betts and Shireland Hall Primary Schools

George Betts and Shireland Hall Primary Schools were federated in November 2011. We continue to work together to provide the best opportunities possible for the children and families that we serve in Smethwick, West Midlands.

George Betts Primary Academy is a vibrant and dynamic two-form entry primary school, welcoming children from age 3-11.  We pride ourselves on creating a nurturing and vibrant learning environment where every child is valued and supported. Our child-centred curriculum enables pupils to become Responsible Citizens, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals within modern Britain. We understand that we have a responsibility to prepare our children for their future education and career path but also, and very importantly, we truly believe that we have a duty to nurture the whole child, to develop their moral character and to do all we can to help them on their journey to become well-rounded, happy, independent adults.

We believe that parents are essential partners in a child's education and crucial for the success of pupils and the school community as a whole. We are proud of the relationships that we have built and are committed to continuing to foster meaningful collaboration between home and school. Together, we create a supportive environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.


Hollywood Primary School

Hollywood Primary School is situated in South Birmingham, near the Worcester border. We operate as a 2-form entry school, complemented by an autism resource base.

Our vision is centred on enabling every child to reach their full potential. We strive to maximise opportunities for students to acquire new skills, discover their talents, and navigate an ever-changing technological world. Embracing the belief that the future of education and employment will revolve around science and technology, we are dedicated on a journey to incorporating these elements into our educational journey, providing our pupils with the best start in today's dynamic technological landscape.


Kings Norton Primary School

Kings Norton Primary is a two-form entry primary school with the capacity for 420 pupils. Our school is rich in history with the community at its heart and the children at the centre of all we do. At Kings Norton, learning is exciting, enjoyable, relevant and engaging. We've worked hard to develop a bespoke curriculum that's both challenging and thought provoking and crucially, works to develop a lifelong love of learning.

Our vision statement sits at the heart of everything we do, "Inspiring the young minds of today, for the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow".

We pride ourselves on building our children's foundations through care, high expectations and empathy. We give every child every opportunity. Children have one chance at their education and we believe our children deserve the absolute best.

Our school values are: 
  • Be Ambitious
  • Be Supportive
  • Be Polite
  • Be Inclusive
  • Be Resilient
  • Be Empathetic


Kings Rise Academy

The Federation of Croft, Woods Bank and Kings Rise Schools

Kings Rise Academy, is 3 miles to the north of Birmingham city centre. A school on the site was founded in 1932 as a co-educational primary school called Peckham Road Primary. Since 1932, we've been serving, supporting and inspiring the children and community of Kingstanding through world wars, pandemics, evacuations, and lockdowns! Kings Rise Academy is proud to say that we have always been committed to providing the best education for our pupils, the best partnerships with our parents, and the best opportunities for our staff. 

Kings Rise Academy is a vibrant multi-cultural school growing all the time with over three hundred pupils, a nursery unit, full day care and a breakfast club. We strive to ensure that deprivation is not a barrier to achieving and our results continue to reflect this. The school has worked hard developing links with pupils and families, providing a strong focus on community and parental engagement; parenting and adult literacy classes, parent support groups and multiple extra-curricular sports and creative groups. We also provide nurture group provision for pupils to support pupils to develop their social and emotional skills alongside their academic attainment.

We work in close partnership with other organisations, the Elliot Foundation and our federated schools – Woods Bank and Croft Academy.


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Netherbrook Primary School

Netherbrook Primary School is a much larger than average two form entry school with over 500 pupils. We have 60 pupils in each year group split into two classes of 30. We also have a 56 place Time for Twos unit offering part time pre-school places as well as a 48 place part time Nursery and 30 place full time Nursery unit within our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Our pupils’ personal, social and emotional development is key and our dedicated team of staff ensure pupils’ needs are met every day. Throughout the school we focus on developing our pupils’ skills across the curriculum and in English and mathematics in particular. Our aim is to ensure all our pupils are given the skills to learn effectively throughout their lives.

Inclusion is a strength of the school and we are proud of our local reputation for supporting pupils with additional needs. At Netherbrook, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is based on the aim of developing confident, independent pupils, high in self-esteem, with meaningful skills and a clear understanding of their place in the world.

The performing arts are very important to us here at Netherbrook. We are recognised locally for our excellent choirs and dance troupes and our school productions are always excellent.


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Peterbrook Primary School

Peterbrook Primary School, situated in the vibrant community of Solihull, is a highly regarded institution known for its dedication to fostering an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. With a mission to empower every child to reach their full potential, the school prioritises not only academic excellence but also the personal, social, and emotional development of its pupils.

We value strong partnerships with parents, carers, and the wider community, recognising the vital role these relationships play in supporting student success. By offering a wide range of extracurricular activities, enrichment programs, and support services, the school ensures that every child has the opportunity to thrive in a safe, inclusive, and stimulating environment.


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Rounds Green Primary School

Rounds Green Primary School joined The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust in August 2022.  We're located in Sandwell and are proud to be a vibrant, multicultural two-form entry primary school welcoming children from age 3-11. The front of our school can be deceiving!  Hidden at the back is a large field and a forest which provides both space and a learning resource for our children.
Our staff are kind, caring professionals determined to provide the best possible education for all of our children; supporting them to achieve and to flourish whilst ensuring their safety.  Much work has been done to ensure that our curriculum is well-planned and provides exciting opportunities for all of our children which extend into our breakfast club and after-school provision.
We work in close partnership with our parents and carers and strongly encourage them to be active participants in their child’s education and are proud of the relationships that we have forged.
Developed by our school community, our seven school virtues (respect, determination, teamwork, kindness, curiosity, honesty and citizenship) help to prepare our children to be self-reflective, well-rounded individuals who are able to make wise and informed choices that positively guides their behaviour and prepares them for the next stages of their lives.
We are proud of the progress that we have made thus far and this has been recognised in the following awards: Early Years Quality Mark, Charter Mark for NQT Induction, Covid Well-Being Charter Mark, EAL Quality Mark Gold, Well-Being Carter Mark, School Games Mark – Gold Award and a Kite mark for Character Education but equally, we are committed to continuing to improve our provision and securing strong outcomes for our wonderful pupils.


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Rowley Hall Primary School

Rowley Hall are set to join us in February 2024.At Rowley Hall Primary School, perched on a hill in Rowley Regis, like the owl in our logo: ‘We fly high’.

From their starting point in Nursery, we give our 600+ children the confidence, knowledge and breadth of view to become global citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

We focus on physical and mental well-being to enable all to achieve academic success and with behaviour and conduct reflecting our status as a Rights Respecting School, we support and nurture each child’s personal journey until they take flight into the world beyond Year 6.


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Shireland Hall Primary Academy

The Federation of George Betts and Shireland Hall Primary Schools

Shireland Hall Primary and George Betts Schools were federated in November 2011 and now work together to provide the best opportunities possible for the children and families that they serve in Smethwick, West Midlands. Executive Head Teacher, Allan Shephard joined George Betts as Principal in February 2012 following many years of successful school improvement support for a majority of Sandwell schools.

Our Academy is committed to working with children, families and the local community in supporting children to be Successful Learners, Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens. We value high standards of education as well as developing children’s sense of self and their responsibilities to the wider community. 

Both George Betts and Shireland Hall have seen a huge improvement in outcomes for pupils over the past few years and recent Ofsted's have judged Shireland as Outstanding (2022) and George Betts as Good (2019). The federation has also achieved the NQT Quality Mark (the first federation in the country), the EYFS Quality Mark and Leading Parent Partnership Awards.

The federation supports a number of schools locally and nationally and are always looking for ways to challenge the norm in order to improve outcomes for pupils and families. Many teachers have been recognised as TEF Expert Teachers and work beyond the federation to ensure that children get the best possible teaching that they deserve.


Shirestone Academy

Shirestone Academy is a one form entry Outstanding school. We are committed to providing a high quality education through an ambitious and meticulous curriculum which is expertly delivered. We place a high value on the holistic development of the child, with personal development being of high priority, and we believe that each child can achieve when they are nurtured and given the right support. The school is at the heart of the community and our relationship with parents strengthens our ‘family’ ethos.


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Tiverton Academy

Tiverton joined The Elliot Foundation family of schools in May 2013 as one form entry academy in Selly Oak, Birmingham. All children are part of an outstanding learning community that supports and encourages them to be happy, caring, successful and inspirational citizens.

In March 2019, Tiverton Academy received another Outstanding judgement. Tiverton has worked incredibly hard over the years to develop a creative curriculum that has not only raised standards, improved behaviour and levels of pupil engagement, it has also inspired our children and allowed them to explore their interests and discover their unique talents. Tiverton has extremely high expectations of our staff, families and children.

Tiverton received much praise which exemplifies the character of the school:

"Leaders provide an excellent programme of curriculum activities and enrichment. There are numerous national awards displayed in the foyer that include recognition for the high standards reached in art and design, the performing arts, music, physical education and sport. These have a very positive effect on pupils’ personal development and attitudes to school and learning"

"Pupils behave very well in lessons and at recreational times. There are warm and positive relationships between pupils and staff. The welfare, care and attention given to pupils remain strong features of the school. The staff make a very good contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Parents are, rightly, very pleased with the pastoral care and welfare provided for their children"

Tiverton firmly believe in ‘Achievement for all’. Children who are part of our school community will be encouraged to be creative and active learners. Their journey with us will offer opportunities for them to discover and pursue individual talents and skills.


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Valley Primary School

Valley is a vibrant, happy and successful school where every child is treated as a unique individual. We cherish each child’s talents and strive to ensure that their academic, social, spiritual and moral education is nurtured.
Our pursuit of excellence in teaching and enjoyment of learning is at the heart of all that we do. We believe that children learn best when they are excited by, actively involved in and have a clear purpose for their learning.
Our curriculum emphasises key skills whilst also facilitating teaching through exciting topics, stimulating children’s thinking skills and encouraging them to develop essential life skills. We aim to ensure that our school evolves with the ever-changing technological world in which we live, alongside actively promoting key school values and British values, meaning that our young people are prepared for their diverse futures and the increasing demands of today’s society.
Our provision for enrichment activities including home learning challenges, mental health activities, enrichment focused clubs, educational visits and visiting speakers helps our children become well rounded individuals and enjoy nurturing their talents and interests or learning new skills. 
Our strong working partnerships with parents, our high expectations and aspirations for all children and our clear and consistent behaviour management, alongside our inviting environment, creates an ethos where every child can learn and flourish.
Our children grow and learn together with aspirational goals which enable them to be the best they can be. Our vision to Aspire, Enjoy, Achieve and Challenge runs through everything that we do.


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Woods Bank Academy

The Federation of Croft, Woods Bank and Kings Rise Schools

Woods Bank Academy is a two form entry primary school in Walsall, with approximately 400 pupils on roll aged 3 to 11 years.  This includes a 52 place nursery with children accessing the provision through a combination of 15 and 30 hours per week.  We are federated with two schools locally; Kings Rise Academy (Birmingham) and Croft Academy (Walsall).  

Belong - our school is happy, safe and a welcoming place where children, teachers, parents and the community work together.
Learn - our school is an inspiring, creative and ambitious place, where we work hard, have high expectations of ourselves and always do our best.
Grow - our school is kind, nurturing and a respectful place, where children flourish as individuals and grow in confidence, independence, resilience and trust.

Our values of ‘belong, learn and grow’ are underpinned by three key curriculum drivers: to raise aspirations, improve health and celebrate diversity.  Our curriculum is broad and balanced and prepares children for their next steps in the world.  We are ambitious for all of our pupils and staff so that everyone is enabled to achieve their full potential.  At the heart of our work is our commitment to providing the best pastoral support for our pupils; our experienced and passionate team strives to ensure that children’s needs are met so that they are safe, happy and actively engaged in a rich school life.


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