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Education Policies

Assessment Policy 2022
This policy outlines the Trust's approach to assessment within its academies and how the information gathered will be used.

Attendance Policy 2024
Our Attendance Policy aims to ensure that pupils attend school regularly; consequently they will be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available.

Educational Visits
Provision of ‘real-life’ opportunities enables pupils to achieve a fuller understanding of the world around them. TEFAT encourages academies to maximise opportunities for children to engage with valuable learning experiences outside the school site while ensuring they are well planned and safe.

Nurture Group Policy 2024
As a Trust we recognise that our schools are having to be ever more creative when considering provision that will meet children’s increasingly complex social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH).

Relationships and Health Education Policy 2024
We want all children to grow up healthy, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. That is why, from September 2020, all children across the Trust are taught Relationships and Health Education. This policy explains the aims of the Trust as a whole and should be read in conjunction with the school's own local policy.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy 2023
The Trust is committed to ensuring that all pupils on roll, regardless of any medical conditions, can enjoy school life to their full potential and play an active role in their school community whilst remaining safe and healthy. This policy sets out the Trust's commitment to ensuring all pupils have access to the full education offer and any support or arrangements required.

Quality of Education
Teaching and learning statement for The Elliot Foundation - overarching principles for academies.