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HR Policies

Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers/Visitors Policy
This document provides the framework of the steps to take where there is an allegation of physical or sexual abuse against a member of staff in relation to an Academy student. The process described in this document is intended for use with teaching and support staff. In this procedure, the term ‘parents’ means all those having parental responsibility for a child.

Appraisal Policy 2020
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) is committed to providing high quality teaching and learning. Our aim is to provide opportunities for every child whatever their ability and it is through our workforce that we hope to achieve this. Each employee will be given support to help them develop to their full potential in their job and in turn this will help improve outcomes for our young people.

Bullying and Harassment Policy
The Bullying and Harassment policy will provide a framework for individuals to follow in order to raise complaints about bullying and/or harassment and ensure concerns raised are treated fairly and consistently with the overall intention of resolving such matters as quickly as possible.

Capability Policy 2023
The Trust recognises its employees as the organisation’s most valuable asset. The aim of this policy is to be fair and transparent and to support all employees to achieve agreed and acceptable standards of performance and to deliver their duties in line with relevant expectations and in accordance with the Trust Values.

Disciplinary Policy
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (“TEFAT”) is committed to ensuring formal policies and established workplace procedures are in place for dealing with staff conduct and discipline. This policy is written in line with the Trust’s statutory responsibilities and the ACAS Code of Practice.

Equality and Diversity Policy
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) is committed to developing, maintaining and supporting a culture of equality and diversity across all aspects of the Trust’s work. The Trust aims to create an environment in which all employees, pupils and stakeholders are recognised as being of equal value and are able to grow and develop through equality of opportunity.

Family Friendly Policy 2024
The Trust recognises that a supportive approach in relation to employees managing work and family life is important in maintaining good employment relationships and staff retention.

Flexible Working Policy
The Trust is committed to providing equality of opportunity in employment and to developing work policies and practices that encourage employees to achieve a healthy balance between delivering their work responsibilities and personal commitments and interests.

Grievance Policy
The aim of the TEFAT Academy Grievance Policy is to address any staff grievances fairly, consistently and quickly, as resolution of concerns is helpful to harmonious working, job satisfaction and productivity.

Health and Wellbeing Policy
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust is committed to providing a working environment and management practices which promote good health and positive employee wellbeing in line with statutory responsibilities and the organisation's ethos, vision and values.

Pay Policy (All staff)
This policy sets out the Trust's commitment to developing and operating a fair and equitable salary system which enables the organisation to appoint, retain, reward and motivate a suitably skilled workforce.

Reorganisation and Redundancy Policy
The Trust is committed to providing a stable work environment and security of employment for all staff where possible. This policy sets out the framework intended to achieve a fair, consistent and transparent approach to reorganisation where necessary

Sickness Absence Policy
This policy provides a framework to manage situations of staff sickness absence which is designed to be supportive.

Special Leave of Absence Policy
The Trust is committed to creating a supportive work environment for employees which enables them to successfully balance their professional responsibilities with their personal lives and ensures equality of opportunity in employment. The policy is designed to provide a framework that enables employees to request reasonable time off work for specific reasons in order to manage their personal commitments.

Whistleblowing Policy
TEFAT is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment we expect employees, volunteers, and anyone associated with TEFAT Academies who has serious concerns about any aspect of practices encountered within an Academy to come forward and voice those concerns without fear of reprisals. This Policy is to support staff wanting to raise such issues

ECT Induction Policy
This policy sets out how the Trust will support ECT's to satisfactorily complete their statutory induction and contractual probation period by providing ECTs with an effective ECT induction programme that develops them and equips them with the tools to be effective and successful teachers. Additionally, making sure all staff understand their role in the ECT induction programme.
HR Disclosures

Trade Union Recognition Agreement
In accordance with the TUPE Regulations, trade union recognition rights for recognised trade unions are automatically transferred over when a maintained school becomes an academy. This move, from direct LA control to academy status, means that there is a need to clarify the specific working arrangements between the Unions and The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) particularly in respect of consultation and negotiation and facility time for Union Representatives. The terms of the Agreement which follows provide that clarification.

Trade Union Facility Time Report 2021/2022
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 require The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust to publish specific details of facility time taken by trade union officials employed by the Trust. This report is a summary for the reporting year 1st of April 2021 to 31st March 2022.

Trade Union Facilities Time Report 2020/21
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 require The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust to publish specific details of facility time taken by trade union officials employed by the Trust.

Executive and Senior Leadership Pay Report 2021/22
The Trust operates a reward system intended to support the recruitment and retention of exceptional leaders. This report details the number of employees in receipt of benefits in excess of over £100k in the academic year 2021/22

Executive and Senior Leadership Pay Report 2020/21
The Trust operates a reward system intended to support the recruitment and retention of exceptional leaders. This report details the number of employees in receipt of benefits in excess of over £100k in the academic year 2020/21.

Executive and Senior Leadership Pay 2019/20
The Trust operates a reward system intended to support the recruitment and retention of exceptional leaders. This report details the number of employees in receipt of benefits in excess of over £100k in the academic year 2019/20.

Trade Union Facilities Time Report 2023/24
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 require The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust to publish specific details of facility time taken by trade union officials employed by the Trust. This report is a summary for the reporting year 1st of April 2023 to 31st March 2024.

TEFAT Gender Pay Gap Report March 2024
This report provides data and analysis of the pay differentials between the Trust’s male and female employees to inform our strategic work in this area and to fulfil the Trust’s statutory duties.