The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) is the Admissions Authority for all of its schools, meaning the Trust is responsible for determining the admissions arrangements and managing any subsequent processes for its schools. Each TEFAT school provides details on their admissions process and their determined policies which is made available on their website.

For the normal round of admissions (Reception and Year 3) you will need to apply through your Local Authority. Therefore, it is best to check their website for more information on the application process. Applications made within the normal round of admissions will be processed according to the Admissions Policy for that school.

If you have a query around admissions for a specific school or for more information on their in-year admissions, please check the individual schools website or get in direct contact with the school. As the Admissions Authority, TEFAT is responsible for setting the timescale for the admissions appeals process. To assist parents with the admissions appeals process, please find our Admissions Guide for Parents here and the Department for Education's School Admissions Appeals Code here.

The School Admissions Code 2021 has expanded the definition of previously looked after children to include those children who were in state care outside of England but who were then adopted. As such we have varied our admission arrangements for 2021/22 and 2022/23 in line with paragraph 3.6 of the 2021 Code to ensure compliance with the Code. The policies below reflect this variation. 


Admissions Policies - London schools

Admissions Policies - East Anglia Schools

Admissions Policies - West Midlands Schools